A Trio of Poems by Lynn White

We’re All Doomed


“We’re all doomed”, he said.

Well, so we are!

From the moment of our birth,

no, before then

some don’t make it that far,

expelled by the body



As I child

I thought

that living

with such knowledge

should be hellish,

impossible to live with



If I were god,

it would be

my little joke.

Forget Satan

and his fiery furnace,

the nonsense of an underworld,

the craziness of constant rebirth.

Life is hell.


I explained my theory

at Sunday School

when aged nine

and three-quarters.

It didn’t go down well.

But it still seems to me

that god is the creator

of the first conspiracy theories

and humans still don’t get it.


So he still has the last laugh

after all!





I made myself comfortable

to tell my little story.

I sensed she would,

not exactly like it,

but certainly be interested.

“And how did that make you feel”

she said.

I could tell she understood

and I knew exactly how She would feel

at my reply.

I have a sixth sense for these things

and I sensed her alarm,

though she hid it well.


I told her more.

I knew that she understood,

I could feel her anxiety.

I know it well,

I’m a past master

at anxiety.

I wondered what form

her evasive action would take.

She was planning something,

I have a sixth sense for these things

and I should know what form it would take

but so many options were crowding into my head.


“What are you feeling”, she said.


The Dialectic Of Colour


You think you’ve seen it clearly

and that what you saw

was complete




a clash of difference

creates change,

a mingling

at the edges

bringing forth

something new,

here green,

there purple

or orange,

a creative clash

of rebellious surprise.

Lynn White lives in north Wales. Her work is influenced by issues of social justice and events, places and people she has known or imagined. She is especially interested in exploring the boundaries of dream, fantasy and reality. She was shortlisted in the Theatre Cloud 'War Poetry for Today' competition and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net and a Rhysling Award.

Find Lynn at: https://lynnwhitepoetry.blogspot.com and https://www.facebook.com/Lynn-White-Poetry-1603675983213077/