(*note: 2020 and 2021 issues merged into forthcoming 2022 issue to accommodate COVID-19 pandemic delays)
Assignment's fifth issue, Houseguest, is now available online, featuring new fiction from Spencer Wise, Ariel Lewiton, and Lexi Freiman, plus an interview with Ariel Lewiton, as well as a story by Margaret McNellis, the winner of the 2019 Assignment MFA Student Writing Contest. New in the Web edition: Poems by Maya Williams (the 7th poet laureate of Portland), Daniel Olivas (LA Times-contributor), Daniel Ford (podcaster, Writer’s Bone), Yvonne Conza (Electric Literature contributor), Da’Shawn Mosley (featured in this PBS documentary), novelist Stephanie Jimenez, plus interviews with acclaimed writers Garth Greenwell, Gemma Sieff, Andrew Martin, Jo Knowles, spotlight on NYT-honored novelist Marcus Burke and Whiting Award 2019 winner Nadia Owusu. Also featuring work by Michele Filgate, Janet Clare, and exciting works by students/ alumni emerging writers Mary Grace Bertulfo, Paola Lastick, Sam Keck Scott, Rocquel Motta, faculty member and alum David Moloney, interviews with several debut authors, and more! Earlier this year, the Assignment team had a reading event at the Bookery-New Hampshire!
In Other News for 2019-2022…
Recent and forthcoming alumni and faculty publications: Nadia Owusu (‘17, now faculty) memoir Aftershocks (2020); John Vercher (‘16) novels Three-Fifths (2019) and After the Lights Go Out (2022); David Moloney (‘17, now faculty) novel Barker House (2020); Ben Nugent (program director), story collection Fraternity (2020); Andrew Martin (faculty), story collection Cool for America (2020); Jo Knowles (faculty), novels Where the Heart Is and Still a Work in Progress (2019); Meant to Be (2022); Justin Taylor (faculty), memoir Riding with the Ghost (2020); Kosoko Jackson (current student) novels Yesterday is History (2021); I’m So (Not) Over You and Survive the Dome (2022).
Original content from The Mountainview low-residency MFA students, faculty, alums, others.