
News for 2019 - 2022

(Recent and forthcoming alumni and faculty publications: Nadia Owusu (‘17, now faculty) memoir Aftershocks (2020); John Vercher (‘16) novels Three-Fifths (2019) and After the Lights Go Out (2022); David Moloney (‘17, now faculty) novel Barker House (2020); Ben Nugent (program director), story collection Fraternity (2020); Andrew Martin (faculty), story collection Cool for America (2020); Jo Knowles (faculty), novels Where the Heart Is and Still a Work in Progress (2019); Meant to Be (2022); Justin Taylor (faculty), memoir Riding with the Ghost (2020); Kosoko Jackson (current student) novels Yesterday is History (2021); I’m So (Not) Over You and Survive the Dome (2022).